Geology and Soils
The LIFE project area is located in the north of the so-called "Hohen Lieth", a glacial drift reaching from Cuxhaven-Duhnen south to Bremerhaven. Several moraines rich in pebbles and sand are now sitting on top of this glacial drift. Included in this is the "Höltjer Höhe", which at 30m above sea level is the highest point in the area. The relief of the area is slightly wavy and shows just a few prominent small elevations, which are mostly burial mounds and therefore have an anthropogenic origin. Examples are the Große and Kleine Helmersberg in the south or the Krahnstein in the north of the area.
The predominantly dry and sandy soils have developed into podzols of various characteristics during the several centuries of heath usage. Pure podzols can only be seen in a few places and cover a relatively small area, reaching from the west and east into the project area. Over 80% of the area is covered by brown podzolic soil, which as a rule provides a slightly better nutrient supply than the very oligotrophic pure podzols.
To the northeast of Altenwalde a slightly higher proportion of clay is found in the soil near the surface, which causes delayed subsoil seepage of water. After strong rainfall or after the snow melt the surface water stays here for days or even weeks. This caused the formation of pseudogley podzols.
Another feature in the north of the project area is the Holter Steertmoor, which forms the beginning of a fen stretching to the north. Despite its small size it significantly increases the biodiversity of the location. However, in the past it was adversely affected by the creation of ditches and other measures.
- LIFE Nature Project
- Project Sponsors and Financing
- Project Goals
- Project Organisation
- Location and Size
- Usage History
- Geology and Soils
- Biotope and Habitat Types
- Animal and Plant Species
- Project of National Significance
- Natura 2000, Nature Reserve
- Heck Cattle and Konik Horse Grazing
- Wisent Grazing
- Small Ponds
- Development of Forests Suited to the Location
- Removal of Small Trees and Shrubs
- Information for Visitors
Hannah Burmester
Nds. Landesbetrieb für Wasserwirtschaft, Küsten- und Naturschutz
Betriebsstelle Lüneburg
Adolph-Kolping-Str. 6
D-21337 Lüneburg
Tel: +49 (0)4131 2209-221