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NLWKN: Technically proficient – on the scene

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The Lower Saxony Water Management, Coastal and Nature Protection Agency (NLWKN) is active in eleven branches and the headquarters, in depots and nature conservation stations, at barrages, in laboratories and in other facilities throughout the Land. For people and the environment. For Lower Saxony.

The NLWKN is the Land agency for safe dykes, clean water and maintaining biodiversity. With its specialist knowledge in matters of coastal, water, nature and radiation protection and the data collected every day from thousands of measurements and investigations, the NLWKN provides the basis for decisions that set the course for the future.

An overview of our central duties:

  • Island and coastal protection
  • Flood protection
  • Maintenance and development of water bodies
  • Protection of ground and surface waters
  • Building and operating water management installations
  • Nature Conservation
  • Radiation Protection
  • Approvals and Consents
  • Adaptations to Climate Impact

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Nature Conservation between the Coast and the Harz Mountains – Species need Data

As a specialist agency for nature conservation, the NLWKN has a systematic monitoring programme to inspect and evaluate the status of wildlife The NLWKN’s species recording programmes provide the relevant foundations for identifying endangered species and being able to take countermeasures to prevent extinction. In its nature conservation stations and as a project sponsor, it also protects biodiversity on a large scale throughout the Land. Its specialist advice establishes legal certainty for complex approval procedures.

Adaptations to the Consequences of Climate Change: Looking to Tomorrow

Climate change is having an impact on our Land. Within the context of research projects, the NLWKN provides basic data and pioneering forecasts about its consequences and the relevant adaptations.

Infrastructure in Good Hands: The State-Owned Facilities

The NLWKN ensures smooth travel on Lower Saxony’s waterways. With its 21 depots, the Landesbetrieb ensures trouble-free operations at the Land-owned locks and canals. Protective structures, such as the Ems barrage or the Salzderhelden flood control reservoir protect assets worth millions - and provide security to millions of Lower Saxony inhabitants.

Island, Coastal and Flood Protection: Precaution, Warning, Securing

Dykes and dunes protect the coast of Lower Saxony and the East Frisian Islands. The NLWKN maintains protective structures and builds new dykes and barrages - sometimes with partners -, ensures stable and ecological dyke forelands and carries out research for future protection. If the water rises on the mainland, Lower Saxony relies on the NLWKN’s flood expertise centre as a planning partner for preventive flood protection. Local authorities, coastal and river bank inhabitants also never lose sight if the water level readings and prognoses from the NLWKN’s Flood Forecasting Centre and Storm Surge Warning Service.

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Healthy Rivers and Clean Water

At more than 1,900 measuring points, sample takers from the NLWKN collect information about the quality and amount of our ground and surface water all year round. The samples are examined thoroughly in the Landesbetrieb’s laboratory. In Lower Saxony’s water landscapes, the NLWKN enables fish to migrate upstream and gives streams and rivers free space again.

Planning Certainty - NLWKN as a Partner for Approvals and Finance

As a neutral approval authority, the NLWKN ensures that various interests concerned will be considered. It therefore puts projects in the Land on a sound commercial and legal footing. This also applies to sound and legally certain finance - on behalf of the EU, the federal government and the Land of Lower Saxony.

Radiation Protection: from Radon to Radioactive

People are exposed to radiation everywhere, all the time. Whether this radiation is hazardous or insignificant can only be determined with precise measurements. As an expert service provider for radiation protection, the NLWKN continually carries out extensive investigations and consultations.

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